1st Totton Company
1st Totton Company

Fund Raising

We try to keep our annual subscription fees affordable for everyone and so like to organise a few fundraising events to help boost our funds and enable us to take part in the events.  


 BRING AND BUY FOR WATERAID Saturday 8th Feb 2019

Thank you to everyone who took part in this event and helped usto raise over £100 for Wateraid, the charity we are currently supporting and learning about at GB


Cream Tea - 13th May 2017

Thanks to everyone for their support at the cream tea on Saturday 13th May when we held a cream tea in the plaza outside of Trinity Church. Weather was great at we raised just over £250.



Table top sale - Saturday 6th March 2016.

As part of our fund raising for the year, we held a Table Top sale on Saturday 6th March at Trinity church including a tombola, cakes, gifts and games.


We raised over £250 for GB funds - many thanks to everyone who helped and supported this event.


Exxon Mobile Donation 2015

Once again, Exxon mobile has given us a generous grant towards equipement for our company to develop the programme we can offer our members and the facilities we can use. We have purchased a flat screen TV / monitor and stand, DVD player and new mircophones for use on the sound system which all members of the company will benefit from. Thanks to Rachal Hickman, who volunteers at least two hours per week at GB, we have received £1000 towards audio vsiual equipment we can use each week and GB and for special events. Many thanks

<< Sleepover sucess 2014 >>

12 comany members attended a sleepover at Trinity during the October half term weekend - besides, swimming, rock climbing, bowling, games and fellowship,  the girls had a vist from, jan and Chris, 2 members of Trinity Church, going out to Tanzina in November to support the Grass Roots Project, which helps children attend school, have a healthly diet and access medical facilities. The girls then baked a range of biscuits and sweet treats and sold them on Sunday morning after the church service, raising over £25 for the Grass roots charity - well done girls!

Funds for company IT equipment 2014

Fantastic news for our members, Exxon mobile have given us a generous donation of £1000 towards the purchase of IT equipment for use within our GB company activities.


We have purchased a laptop, printer and now can gain Wifi access to the internet so that the older girls can access their Duke of Edinbrugh online record accounts, we can create posters, newsletters and leaflets about our events and teach all our members about internet and on line safety.


Rachal Hickman, who works for Exxon mobile at Fawley, volunteers her time as a leader regularly at our company evenings. Through the Exxon Mobile "VIP" scheme (Volunteers Involvement Programme) Rachal can request some financial support for her volunteering.

Purchasing the IT equipment will enable us to provide an upto date programme for our young members and stay in touch with a form of media and communication that our young members are increasingly familiar with.


We give sincere thanks to Rachal and Exxon mobile for their support.



For the second year in a row we have chosen to support Water Aid, a charity that provides fresh, clean drinking water to communities in Africa. Thank you to everyone who helped to raise £160 over the year either by filling Smartie tubes with 20p's, domating some of your sweet money or helping with the Sunday lunch. See our certificate on the GB Notice board at Trinity July 2014

BRAVO! for the air ambulance

Congratulations to everyone who has been helping to collect Bra's for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance. Wendy Southwell is pleased to announce that over 6000 have now been forwarded on via our GB Company, Hampshire West District and members and friends of Trinity Church  - each bra raises about 90p for the Air Ambulance and are then sold on in Africa, where women who wear them are less lightly to be attacked and assulted.


In October 2011, the Seniors and Brigaders appeared on Radio Solent's Katie Martin show to explain how the bra's helped young women in other countries as well as local people with the Air Ambulance - we are still collecting bra's so please keep sending thenm in.

 Last updated July 24

   Breaking News


We are taking a break over the summer with our last evening being on 24th July and meeting again 11th September 24



New Members Welcome

We are always happy to welcome new members to our company in any of the sections. Come along for a free taster evening and find out more.

Explorers (Year R-2) 6-7pm

Juniors (Year 3-6) 6-7pm

Subs just £20 per school term

Seniors (Year 7-9)                        7pm-8:30pm

Brigaders (year 10-13)                    7pm -8:30pm

Subs £25 per school term

New Uniform Available  

Had a growth spert during the year? New uniform can be purchased at the GB National website (see the Parents page) or swapped out like for like on GB evenings.  

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© Jan McCarthy