1st Totton Company
1st Totton Company

Trinity Church Totton

Trinity Methodist / United Reformed Church in West Totton is the home of 1st Totton Girls' Brigade Comany and until 2013, our brother organisation 1st Totton Boys' Brigade Company, which is currently closed.


Girls' Brigade meets in a Wednesday evening between 6-8:30pm making use if all the fab facilities the building has to offer and the Company is an active part of the church  during the family services (mostly the second Sunday of the month), involved in fund raising and other community activities.


The company contunies to apprecaite the wonderful support the church members give us as part of the church family. Please see the church website for more information www.trinitychurchtotton.org.uk



 Last updated July 24

   Breaking News


We are taking a break over the summer with our last evening being on 24th July and meeting again 11th September 24



New Members Welcome

We are always happy to welcome new members to our company in any of the sections. Come along for a free taster evening and find out more.

Explorers (Year R-2) 6-7pm

Juniors (Year 3-6) 6-7pm

Subs just £20 per school term

Seniors (Year 7-9)                        7pm-8:30pm

Brigaders (year 10-13)                    7pm -8:30pm

Subs £25 per school term

New Uniform Available  

Had a growth spert during the year? New uniform can be purchased at the GB National website (see the Parents page) or swapped out like for like on GB evenings.  

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© Jan McCarthy